Our Mission

Welcome to Smarts and Sparkles, a blog dedicated to YOU. Our – my – mission is to develop a site dedicated to the improvement of the lives of people like me: young adults. Through extensive planning, research, and late-night conversations, I’ve discovered what I believe should be the most important and rather stressful aspects in the life of a modern-day young adult or student: school, socialization, and self-care (the three s’s, if you will…) From providing excerpts and techniques from bestselling mindfulness books to creating step-by-step tutorials on effective writing styles, this blog is ready and well-equipped to help you with whatever task you are facing.

The Three S’s – Explained

In fact, school, socialization, and self-care are truly all inter-related at their core. At school, we learn the fundamentals of how to create friendships and a variety of other relationships (including those that are platonic, professional, and possibly romantic), and slowly understand how to take care of ourselves and adapt to our surroundings. School isn’t just about academics and getting prepped for college or the workforce though that may be a large part of it. The majority of the socialization that occurs during our childhood is through the friends we meet in school or school-organized events, and we are able to discover our own selves through the process of discovering others. And finally, self-care is learned primarily through the experiences we have at school and through our social lives – everyone’s interpretation of self-care is a little different, but what is common to our interpretation is that self-care is a necessary thing – and that’s because it is.
From providing excerpts and techniques from bestselling mindfulness books to creating step-by-step tutorials on effective writing styles, this blog is ready and well-equipped to help you with whatever task you are facing.
This blog isn’t about what’s going to make you the most popular at school or what will cause you to gain internet fame – This blog is about helping you build your best life – to thrive in the circumstances you’ve been given, and how to use your resources to reach your potential. This blog is about focusing on the most important aspects of student and young adult lives and cultivating them in a fun, honest way. 

If you are ready and willing to receive (free) help, stories, advice, tips, tricks, and perspectives that will help you succeed, you’ve come to the right place.

Look to the sidebar to give this blog a follow to join this smart and sparkly community so that you may stay updated with the latest information! 🙂 ❤ Thanks for stopping by. (While you’re here, check out some of my latest posts below.)